what's this about?! it's about fantasy original setting, entities, monsters, mythology, national trauma, dnd, critical role and art things!

yall don't need to know about me much except I'm dyslexic and use worldbuilding as coping mechanism for my traumas recovery. this is the place of anger, hate, sorrow, revenge, recconection, reclaiming, homesick feeling, and... maybe, peace with myself, someday. it will not fucking heal anyway, but at least my characters will suffer >:D

as for April, 2024: this site is at early stage of development, so it looks not quite tidy, but i needa catch my thoughts and ideas, so fuck this, i will write!

  1. smol texts/dialogues as details/summary, OCs talks
  2. dnd description with those cool badges >:D
  3. twine game?!
  4. bestiary list in book style?
  5. interactive (image map) map
  7. world timeline
  8. talvi's warlock story
  9. alue's lifestyle
  10. calendar, holidays
  1. NC-17/21 warning
  2. !TOS page!
  3. start wiki pages.....
  4. dl list type for links, style, albums covers??
  5. style player / playlist / blockquote
  6. waterwarked arts
  7. taro card style for chars? I DUNNO?!
  8. theme switcher
  9. wafrn instead of pillowfort???


  • (LUJY/26): retrospring for questions about the setting! :D
  • (JUNE/22): embed elements to playlist, new text-based rpg recommendation
  • (MAY/14): more resources, small changes and CSS tinkerin'
  • (MAY/10): just cleaning code, adding new things
  • (MAY/6): added pinterest board
  • (MAY/1): music shelf page , more people in the links
  • (APR/25): more links, some tinkering of CSS, nothing big. png for header
  • (APR/23): normal dnd and lore directories lol, fixed footer, sidebar width, back to top anchor
  • (APR/22): redesign. new index and not_found, sitemap, new links nest, cleaned texts, started to add songs list
  • (APR/21): anchor links in resources idk
  • (APR/21): DnD memes in DnD directoty lol
  • (APR/17): added pillowfort
  • (APR/15): contact form
  • (APR/12): WIP text about genetics and roles
  • (APR/12): button
  • (APRL/5): art resorces, eng translation of the first text
  • (MAR/30): links nest
  • (MAR/30): js for side bar
  • (MAR/30): new resources
  • (MAR/30): counter
  • patron (warlock moment)
  • normal sidebar, double borders
  • DnD resources
  • retronaut webring
  • two new texts
  • landing with warnings
  • favicon


do not edit or repost my art,
do not claim as your own;
do not use any of my it for AI training or as NFT.